Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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armor a suit made of leather, metal, or other strong material, worn to protect the body during battle.
division the act of separating into parts.
exchange the act of giving or getting one thing in return for another; trade.
expression the appearance of one's face at a particular moment that communicates how one feels.
faint weak or slight.
horizon the line where the earth and the sky appear to meet.
image a picture or some other likeness of a person or thing.
index an alphabetical list of subjects, names, or other information in a book, with page numbers given for each item.
mongrel a plant or animal that is a mix of two or more breeds or kinds.
occupation the work a person does to earn a living; profession.
public of, for, or having to do with all members of a community; not private.
recite to speak the words of from memory and in front of others.
sow1 to plant or scatter in or over the ground.
subject the topic of what is said, written, or studied.
underdog a person or team that is expected to lose a contest in sports or politics.