Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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afternoon the time of day between noon and evening.
behind in or at the back of; on the other side of.
diner one who eats a meal.
marry to become someone's husband or wife according to the law.
pat1 a light tap or stroke with the open hand or a flat object.
respect to give honor to someone; to put someone in a high position in your feelings.
return to go back or come back.
sand tiny, loose grains of ground rock such as you can see on beaches and in deserts.
scarce not being enough; not easy to get.
skip to move forward by jumping on one foot and then on the other.
sofa a comfortable seat with a back and arms made for two or more people; couch.
special different from others; unique.
study to try to gain knowledge or skill.
suitcase a box used for carrying clothing and personal things when traveling.
swallow to cause food to go from the mouth to the stomach.