Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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bravado a false, exaggerated, or boastful display of courage.
composite made up of several parts.
condolence sympathy with a grieving or suffering person.
correlate to have a causal, complementary, parallel, or reciprocal relationship.
evasion the act or an instance of escaping, avoiding, or failing to perform something.
faction a group or party within, and often at odds with, a larger organization.
infidel one who does not believe in or accept a religious faith, especially that of Christianity or Islam.
innate belonging to or existing in someone or some organism from the time of birth; inborn.
myriad of or constituting a great but unspecified number; numberless.
remunerative providing or likely to provide payment or reward; profitable.
scathing harshly condemning; brutal.
spellbind to hold fascinated, as by magicl; enchant.
susceptible easily influenced or impressed (usually followed by "to").
veer to change direction; turn quickly.
verdant green.