Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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boil1 the state of a liquid when it reaches a certain temperature and starts to turn into a gas.
cry to have tears fall from your eyes as the result of pain, sadness, or another strong feeling.
electric using or having to do with electricity.
foam a mass of small bubbles that forms on the surface of a liquid.
fort a strong building used for defense or for soldiers to live in.
frown to wrinkle your forehead when you are angry or not happy.
lucky resulting from or having good fortune.
meaning the message that is understood or intended when someone uses a word.
muscle the soft pieces of flesh in animals and humans that make the bones move.
player someone who takes part in a game or sport.
pool any small still area of liquid that has collected on something.
reservation something that keeps one from completely accepting or believing something; doubt.
shape the form of the outer surface or edge of an object.
storm a violent event in weather. In a storm, there may be a lot of rain, snow, or wind.
tale a story.