Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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broaden to make or become broad or broader.
cascade to fall from one level to the next; flow down like a waterfall.
conspicuous easily seen; obvious.
corrupt not honest; wicked.
escalate to increase in intensity, scope, or size.
execution the act of executing or carrying out.
membrane a thin layer of tissue found in living things. Some kinds of membranes cover the outside or inside of organs. Other membranes separate or connect different parts of the body.
plaintiff one who initiates a lawsuit against another. (Cf. defendant.)
predictive indicating future events.
radical having to do with the root or source; basic; fundamental.
rendezvous a meeting that has been arranged ahead of time.
revolt to rise up and fight against the government or other authority; rebel.
summarize to be a concise statement of.
tantalize to tease or torment with the sight or prospect of something desirable but unattainable.
unstable likely to change suddenly.