Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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aberration a deviation from what is considered normal or right; irregularity.
blithe indifferent or casual; unconcerned.
burgeon to start to grow; send forth shoots, leaves, buds, or the like (often followed by "out" or "forth").
cachet prestige.
conclave a secret, private, or confidential meeting or gathering.
contumacious stubbornly disobedient; insubordinate; rebellious.
convoluted complex; intricate.
diatribe a bitter, abusive attack in speech or writing.
electuary a drug mixed with honey, syrup, or the like to form a paste to be smeared on the teeth or gums of a sick animal.
encomium a formal expression of praise.
impediment an obstacle or hindrance.
lattice a flat framework made with strips of wood or other material. The strips cross each other and have open spaces in between. A lattice is often used as a screen on a porch or in a garden.
maladroit not skillful; clumsy; tactless.
redoubtable inspiring fear; formidable.
splenetic ill-tempered or spiteful.