Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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appear to begin to be seen.
cage a space closed in by wires or bars and used to hold animals.
dead no longer alive.
fin a thin, flat body part of a fish and certain other water animals which is used for swimming or balance.
mountain a land mass with great height and steep sides. It is much higher than a hill.
past all of the time before now.
pilot a person who flies an airplane or other aircraft.
port a place where ships load, or the town or city near this place.
sir a polite form of address for a man, usually used in place of his name.
sleeve the part of a shirt or other piece of clothing that covers the arm.
smell to sense something by means of the nose.
tent a shelter held up by poles and rope and made of cloth or plastic.
wear to have or carry on your body.
wrinkle a fold on a surface, such as cloth or skin.
write to form letters or words on a surface with a pen, pencil, or some other thing.