Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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abscond to leave suddenly and secretly, especially to avoid observation or capture.
acrimonious filled with bitterness or rancor.
culinary of, concerning, or used for cooking.
deviate to turn away from a direct course or one that has already been set.
dub1 to name or call.
gentry people who come from families of high social standing.
interdependent relying on or needing one another.
irreparable impossible to repair, restore, or rectify.
neurotic suffering from needless fears and worries.
noncommittal not revealing what one's preference, feeling, or opinion is.
pedantry the act or practice, or an instance, of flaunting one's learnedness or of being overly insistent on scholarly formalities or details.
prevaricate to lie, mislead, or conceal the truth deliberately.
reticence the state or quality of being hesitant to speak out; reserve.
testy easily annoyed or angered; irritable; touchy.
ulterior beyond or excluded from what is openly admitted or shown, especially when concealed for the purposes of deception.