Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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additional more; added.
artistic showing skill and imagination in creating.
chronic tending to a certain behavior or illness over a long time or without stopping.
comprehensive including everything or almost everything; wide in range.
consistent having a regular style or pattern; not changing.
correspondent a person who reports news or contributes articles regularly to a newspaper, magazine, TV network, or the like, from a distant area.
dialect a form of a language that is spoken in a specific region or by a specific group of people.
locale a place, especially as the setting of some event.
rapture great happiness, joy, or ecstasy; bliss.
reliance the act of relying or depending.
segregation the practice of separating people according to groups, especially racial groups.
summarize to be a concise statement of.
suppliant a person who makes a heartfelt request.
swoon to lose consciousness; faint.
uncertainty the condition or quality of being unsure or doubtful.