Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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affectation falseness or superficiality of appearance or behavior; pretense.
clique a small, often aggressively exclusive group of friends or associates.
cosmic of or relating to the universe.
hoodwink to trick, deceive, or dupe.
mannerism a distinctive and habitual behavioral characteristic.
nonchalance cool confidence and unconcern; casual indifference.
occult of, pertaining to, or with the aid of the supernatural.
pellucid extremely clear in meaning.
premonition an advance sign or warning; forewarning.
psychiatrist a medical doctor who treats people with mental and emotional illnesses.
repulsion extreme distaste, disgust, or aversion.
ubiquitous being or appearing to be in all places at the same time; omnipresent.
uncharacteristic not typical of a particular person, group, or thing, and therefore notable.
vintage a class of objects produced during a certain era or year.
vituperate to condemn sharply; blame; berate.