Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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admission the price a person must pay to enter.
bisect to cut or split into two equal parts.
buoy a float attached by line to the bottom of a body of water to mark a location.
clause a group of words that has a subject and a verb. Clauses can be part or all of a sentence.
cloak a long, loose, outer garment without sleeves.
correlation a relationship or correspondence between two or more things.
durable not easily broken or worn out; lasting; sturdy.
esteem to have a high opinion of; respect; honor.
forte1 a strong or exceptional point, such as a talent or skill.
glutton someone who eats an excessive amount, or one who both eats and drinks excessively.
perspective the way things are seen from a particular point of view.
purely just; absolutely.
replicate to repeat or duplicate.
strew to scatter or sprinkle.
tribute something given, done, or said to express respect or thanks.