Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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appellative a descriptive name or title, as "Terrible" in "Ivan the Terrible".
atonement the act of making reparation for a sin, crime, error, or the like.
attune to adjust so as to be harmonious.
coeval coinciding in time of origin or existence; contemporary.
credulous disposed to believe, especially on scanty evidence; gullible.
descry to see or make out, especially something obscured or at a distance.
emote to express or simulate feelings, especially in an exaggerated or theatrical manner.
expiation the act or the means of making amends, as for a sin or crime.
froward unwilling to agree or obey; stubborn; perverse.
garble to mix up, distort, or confuse (a message, translation, or the like); cause to be disordered or unintelligible.
idyllic charmingly simple and natural, as a scene or experience; suggestive of peaceful countryside.
malfeasance an illegal act or wrongdoing, especially by a public official.
obscurantism a deliberate lack of clarity or directness of expression, as in certain styles of art or literature.
prolix wordy and boringly long.
sere1 dried up or withered.