Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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accompany to go with.
administrative of or pertaining to matters of management or to people involved in the daily running of institutions or businesses.
advocacy the giving of support to an idea, person, or cause.
astray off the right or known path or course.
balmy soft, mild, and soothing.
coincidental of two things, occurring at the same time, or having some other correspondence, by chance and not as a result of a cause or motive.
confront to meet, face, or stand up to boldly.
expire to come to an end.
inventory a complete list of things on hand or in a particular place.
renaissance (capitalized) the revival of art, literature, and learning that began in Europe in the 1300s and lasted into the 1600s. During the Renaissance, scholars, writers, and artists took a great interest in the writings and ideas of classical culture.
resignation the act of giving up a job or other position, or a formal letter announcing this.
revise to change or make different.
rueful feeling, showing, or causing regret or sorrow.
spectator one that watches or observes.
treachery a breaking of faith or loyalty; betrayal.