Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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amaze to surprise greatly or fill with wonder; astonish.
barren not able to produce or support growth.
dampen to make moist or slightly wet.
deaf not able to hear, or not able to hear well.
deceit the act of lying or cheating.
dialogue a talk between two or more people or between characters in a play, film, or novel.
distress a state of great need or trouble.
estimated resulting from a careful guess rather than exact counting or calculation.
exhibition a public showing of art, crafts, products, or skills.
extremely very; to a great or high degree.
literature writings that have lasting value. Literature includes stories, poems, plays, and essays.
respectable displaying good breeding, manners, or character.
slavery the owning of people by other people; bondage.
stubborn not willing to accept change, help, or control; obstinate.
willing wanting or agreeing to do something; ready.