Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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consequential coming after as an outcome or result.
convoke to summon to an assembly; marshal.
dapple to mark or be marked with spots or mottling.
exemplar one worthy to be imitated or studied; model.
harangue a long, vehement, and often pompous speech or piece of writing, especially such a speech delivered in public; tirade.
hydraulic of, concerning, operated by, or moved by water or another liquid under pressure.
incision a cut made during surgery.
mien one's manner or bearing.
parody a humorous imitation in print, music, or performance of a serious person, work of art, or publication.
penance an act of punishment or self-discipline voluntarily undergone to show regret at having done something wrong.
pique to cause (a feeling or action) to be aroused or incited.
residue a substance or quantity that remains after a part has been removed or after a process has been completed.
sodden drenched with liquid; saturated; soaked.
wince to draw suddenly back or away from something painful or frightening.
zealous characterized by, showing, or filled with an intense enthusiasm, as toward a cause, purpose, or activity.