Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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account a story or report.
conspiracy a secret agreement among two or more people to do something wrong or illegal; plot.
construction the act or process of putting parts together to build or create.
create to bring into being.
discontent not satisfied; unhappy.
distinct different or set apart; separate.
gear any equipment, clothes, or tools used for some particular purpose.
pest someone or something that annoys or bothers; nuisance.
pollute to make dirty or harmful to health by mixing in or adding waste material.
purpose a reason or plan that guides an action; design or goal.
relay to carry or pass on.
reside to live in a place for a long time; dwell.
scrub to clean by rubbing hard.
surface the outside limit or top layer of something.
throughout in, to, or during every part of.