Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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ashen1 of the color of ashes; very pale.
asinine silly or willfully stupid.
claimant one who alleges something to be true or demands something as one's right.
fidelity loyalty or faithfulness to obligations, promises, or those to whom one has made a commitment.
infamous having, deserving, or causing a bad reputation; notorious or shameful.
invincible too strong to be defeated.
juxtaposition the state of being placed side by side, especially for the purposes of comparison and contrast.
obituary a printed announcement of a person's death, usually including a brief biography and information about funeral arrangements.
outstrip to exceed or surpass.
plurality the largest proportion of votes in an election, especially when it is less than half the total, or the margin of votes separating the victor from the person who came second.
quiescent in a state of inaction or rest; dormant.
suffice to meet the needs, goals, or the like of; be adequate for.
transcendental beyond the limits of ordinary experience, thought, or belief; supernatural, visionary, or mystical.
unimpressive lacking notable qualities; unremarkable; not impressive.
vignette a brief written or musical sketch, or brief film scene, that describes or characterizes a person, incident, situation, or the like.