Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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attach to join, fasten, or connect.
bargain an agreement that contains the terms of a transaction or exchange.
consider to think carefully about; reflect on.
enchant to put under a magic spell; bewitch.
fitness physical condition, especially the condition of one's muscles and heart.
groove a long narrow cut or dent in a surface.
majestic having majesty; grand; splendid; noble.
politician a person who holds a government office.
previous coming just before another.
proper correct for a certain purpose.
remain to go on being; continue in a particular way without a change.
safely without being harmed.
scrap1 a small bit, such as a piece left over or thrown away.
strategic related to the planning of a series of actions that are meant to lead to a large goal, especially in war.
understand to get the meaning, nature, or importance of.