Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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agog highly excited and full of anticipation.
apocryphal of dubious authorship or authority.
blatant completely obvious or undisguised, sometimes offensively so.
collateral property or other security put forward to guarantee repayment of a loan.
demulcent an oily or sticky substance used especially to soothe irritation in mucous membranes.
expound to discuss or explain in detail (usually followed by "on" or "upon").
flak (informal) irritating opposition, criticism, or dissent.
indemnity insurance against damage, loss, or liability.
lambent glowing softly.
lorgnette eyeglasses, such as opera glasses, that have a short handle by which one holds them in position.
opprobrious expressing condemnation or scorn; accusing of shameful behavior.
proselytize to convert or try actively to convert (others) to one's own beliefs or religion.
recant to withdraw from commitment to (a former position or statement), especially publicly; retract.
sartorial of or pertaining to tailors or tailored clothing, especially men's clothing.
unabashed not feeling or showing embarrassment, uneasiness, or shame.