Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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accuse to blame for or charge with a crime or something wrong.
amaze to surprise greatly or fill with wonder; astonish.
ashamed feeling shame or guilt for doing something wrong or foolish.
clamp a device used to fasten, support, or press together two or more objects or pieces.
clutch to keep in a firm grasp; hold tightly; grip.
currently at the present time; now.
discovery the act of finding or seeing something before anyone else.
frisk to leap or skip in a lively and happy way.
galaxy a collection of billions of stars and other matter held together by gravity. Our planet Earth and the sun belong to the Milky Way galaxy. They are only tiny parts of this galaxy.
mound a raised pile; heap.
nowadays during these present times.
nursery a room where babies or young children sleep or play.
public of, for, or having to do with all members of a community; not private.
publisher a person or company that prepares and brings out books for sale.
warrant a document issued by a judge that gives a police officer the right to make searches, seize property, or make arrests.