Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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chafe to abrade, irritate, or wear away by rubbing.
chaos a state, condition, or place of complete confusion or disorder.
contrary completely different; opposite.
contribution something that is contributed.
contrite feeling deep guilt for one's wrongdoing or shortcoming and desiring to make amends for it; remorseful; repentant.
disadvantage a condition or situation that makes it more difficult to succeed.
economics the study of how goods and services are produced and distributed.
ethical of or concerning moral principles of right and wrong.
exquisite very beautiful; made in a lovely or delicate way.
fictional existing only in a made-up story and not existing in real life.
harass to trouble or bother again and again.
reckon to count or estimate; figure.
subsidize to provide financial assistance for; support with money.
taper to narrow.
truce a stop or end of war that is agreed upon by all groups that participate; armistice.