Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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blouse a loose shirt for women.
buddy (informal) friend.
carpenter a person who builds or repairs houses and other things made of wood.
complete having all of the parts that are necessary; whole.
courthouse a building where courts of law and other government offices are located.
high reaching up a great distance.
hut a small house or shelter. A hut is sometimes made of dry grass or mud.
peck2 to strike, or pick up quickly with the beak.
pray to request in a serious and sincere way, especially of one's god.
proud feeling pleased and satisfied because of something one owns or has done.
remember to bring into your mind from your memory.
short not long in size or time.
smile to have an expression on the face in which the corners of the mouth turn up.
tray a flat, open piece of wood, metal, plastic, or some other material, used to carry, hold, or show food, drink, or small things. It often has a low edge.
underwater below the water's surface.