Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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ambitious having or showing a strong desire to succeed.
appointment the act of choosing or naming for an office or duty.
attract to cause to come near.
bride a woman who is about to be married or was just married.
cautious taking care to avoid danger or trouble; careful.
deaf not able to hear, or not able to hear well.
evergreen having green leaves that stay on a plant throughout the year.
faint weak or slight.
liquid a form of matter that flows easily and is neither a solid nor a gas. Liquid can take on the shape of any container it is poured into. Water that is neither vapor nor ice is a liquid.
nominee a person or thing that has been nominated for an office or honor.
production the act or process of making or manufacturing.
slit to cut a long straight line into or through.
slobber to let liquid, especially saliva, dribble from the mouth; drool.
suburb an area or community located just outside a city or town.
waddle to walk using short steps while rocking from side to side.