Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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affinity a strong sense of liking; a natural attraction or sympathy.
aftermath the result or consequence of an event.
annuity a regular yearly income paid at fixed intervals and produced by money invested or by an insurance contract.
avid having or showing great enthusiasm.
cohere to lump, hold, or stick together.
convergent tending to move toward a common point or intersection.
elegy a sorrowful or mournful poem or musical composition, especially a lament for the dead.
gargantuan (sometimes capitalized) of enormous proportions; huge; gigantic.
itinerary a detailed plan of travel.
myopic unable to see objects clearly from a distance; nearsighted.
orator a person who delivers a public speech, or one skilled at formal public speaking.
overweening particularly forward, vain, and self-promoting.
strident harsh-sounding or loud; raucous; grating.
tirade a long, forceful, or angry speech, often critical or denunciatory in nature; harangue.
wan very pale.