Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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aberrant straying from what is normal or usual; atypical; anomalous.
anarchist a person who believes in, desires, or tries to realize a society or state without a government.
cataract a large waterfall.
contrive to plan in a clever way; invent.
divest to take rights or property away from; dispossess, especially by legal means.
equestrian of or relating to horseback riding.
inexhaustible unable to be used up; endless.
inquisition an official inquiry, especially for the purpose of enforcing political, social, or religious conformity.
mainstay the main support of something.
minuscule so small as to be almost negligible; tiny.
pellucid extremely clear in meaning.
premeditate to consider, plan, or arrange in advance.
reticent reluctant to speak; not given to frequent speech; restrained; shy.
sedition actions or speech intended or serving to create rebellion against a government.
uncritical not making critical judgments or discriminations, especially those based on standards.