Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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bawdy coarsely or indecently humorous; risqué.
complement to go well with, complete, or perfect.
crossbreed to cause (a hybrid organism) to be produced by mating two different varieties of the same species.
dissociate to sever a mental connection between; separate.
edifice a building, especially a large or impressive structure.
engross to take all the attention of; interest fully.
indubitable without question; certain.
invigorate to fill with energy, strength, or life.
pertain to relate to or have to do with something.
recalcitrant stubbornly disobedient; refractory.
regression the act or condition of return to an earlier form or less advanced state; biological or psychological reversion.
retroactive going into operation or effect as of a previous date, or in respect to past events or circumstances.
shackle a metal band or one of a pair of metal rings used to bind the wrist or ankle of a prisoner or animal.
trajectory the actual or expected path of a moving object, especially the curve followed by a projectile, missile, or spacecraft in flight.
transitory lasting for only a short time; brief.