Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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alienate to cause to become unfriendly or averse; estrange.
altruistic unselfishly devoted to the welfare of others.
amalgamation the act, process, or result of combining two or more, often disparate, things.
archives the body of records or information pertaining to an institution, organization, or historical figure.
bequeath to leave or dispose of (property) by a will.
consolidate to join together into a whole; combine.
digression the act or result of straying from the main topic.
discontinuity lack of coherence or logical sequence.
embalm to treat (a corpse) with preservatives before burial.
habituate to make accustomed to.
inkling a blurry or partial idea or understanding.
liquidate to pay off or settle (a debt or the like).
precarious so unstable or insecure as to be dangerous; risky.
ruddy reddish; rosy.
shard a piece of a broken object, especially a fragment of pottery or glass.