Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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advantageous giving a benefit or advantage; helpful; useful.
concomitant existing or happening at the same time as something else, especially as the less important thing or event; accompanying; attendant.
degeneration the process of decline or decay.
diaphanous of fabric or the like, almost transparent; sheer; filmy; delicate.
electorate a body of those entitled to participate in an election; qualified voters, as a group.
informant one who reports or confides what he or she knows to another; source.
juxtaposition the state of being placed side by side, especially for the purposes of comparison and contrast.
largess liberality in giving, especially money, and often with an implication of the giver's superiority.
liquidate to pay off or settle (a debt or the like).
pallid pale or whitened; lacking color.
pitfall an unexpected or hidden danger.
retrospect reflection on the past or on past events or achievements.
scruple a belief about right and wrong that keeps a person from doing something that may be bad.
unseemly not in accord with accepted social standards; improper; indecorous.
visceral stemming from instinct or intuition rather than the intellect.