Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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adore to love and admire very strongly.
ashore to or onto the shore.
columnist a writer who regularly writes opinion or comments on a particular subject for a newspaper or magazine.
conduct to lead or guide.
filter a device used to remove dirt or other solids from liquids or gases. A filter can be made of paper, charcoal, or other material with tiny holes in it.
fountain a spray of water created by a machine, or the structure from which the water flows.
gust a sudden rush or blast of wind.
jinx someone or something that is believed to cause bad luck.
nonprofit of a business, not established to make more money than is necessary to pay employees and to remain in operation.
pursuit the act of following or chasing.
quaint pleasant in an old-fashioned way.
repetition the act or process of doing or saying again.
slush snow that is partly melted.
surrender to turn over or yield to the power or control of another.
worthy deserving (often followed by "of").