Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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crack a break in something.
homework work that a teacher asks students to do at home.
hunt to search for and try to kill (animals) for food or sport.
kit a group of things together in one place for a particular use.
palace the official home of a king or queen or other person of high rank, or a fancy home where a king or queen might live.
program a plan of what will be done or take place.
scarce not being enough; not easy to get.
sick having an illness; not well.
solar having to do with or coming from the sun.
starve to die or suffer from not eating.
stove a device that uses electricity, gas, or oil to provide heat for cooking or warmth.
trace a very small amount of something.
unfair against what is right or just.
wrong not true or correct.
yell to speak in a very loud voice because you are hurt, afraid, angry, or excited.