Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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appoint to name to a particular office or duty.
clamber to climb with difficulty or in an awkward way, using hands and feet.
define to explain or state the meaning of.
furthermore besides; in addition; moreover.
grace beauty or charm in form, style, or motion.
lore1 that which is known or believed about a subject, especially that transmitted by tradition, oral means, or obscure writings.
penitentiary a prison for people who have been found guilty of serious crimes.
progress forward movement toward an end.
purchase something that is bought.
senator a member of a senate, a governmental body that serves in the making of laws for a state or country.
state the condition of a person or thing.
upright in a vertical or standing position.
vendor someone who sells.
weep to show strong feelings by crying.
welfare a state of health, happiness, and good fortune.