Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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appoint to name to a particular office or duty.
dignity one's sense of worth; pride or self-respect as shown in one's appearance or behavior.
froth any collection of bubbles formed on a liquid.
gleam a small or brief flash or beam of light.
homesick longing for one's home.
hypnosis a condition like sleep that is caused by the direction of another person. People under hypnosis may do or say things as directed or suggested by the person who has put them in this condition.
impressive having a lasting effect on the mind or feelings; making a strong impression.
journalist a person whose work is journalism.
likelihood how probable it is that something will happen.
mural a large picture painted on or made a part of a wall or ceiling.
popularity the condition of being liked or approved of by many people.
sift to spread or sprinkle using a sieve or as though using a sieve.
suffer to feel pain or misfortune.
tentacle a long thin body part on the head or around the mouth of some animals. Tentacles are used for feeling or taking hold of things.
tighten to make more secure or more securely fastened.