Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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arrant complete; unmitigated; downright.
bibulous addicted to alcohol; alcoholic.
burgeon to start to grow; send forth shoots, leaves, buds, or the like (often followed by "out" or "forth").
contretemps an embarrassing or unfortunate happening; mishap; mischance.
eidetic pertaining to or designating the ability to recall images in almost perfect detail.
equivocal having at least two plausible alternative meanings, often intentionally so in order to deceive or avoid commitment; ambiguous.
ersatz serving as a substitute, especially when of inferior quality.
highbrow one who has or pretends to have highly sophisticated intellectual and cultural interests and tastes (often used disparagingly).
lorgnette eyeglasses, such as opera glasses, that have a short handle by which one holds them in position.
perquisite a payment or benefit in addition to the wages or salary associated with a position.
sartorial of or pertaining to tailors or tailored clothing, especially men's clothing.
scion an offspring or heir.
shunt to turn or move aside or out of the way; divert.
sudorific causing or increasing sweat, as a medication.
vouchsafe to grant or give with condescension or as a special favor.