Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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ambiguous having more than one possible meaning.
authorize to give official permission to; allow or approve.
char1 to cook or burn so that the surface is blackened; scorch.
commerce the buying and selling of goods or services; trade; business.
conquest the act or process of overcoming or defeating.
construct to build; put together.
despondent low in spirits; unhappy, depressed, or dejected.
engineering the study and practice of using scientific and mathematical knowledge to do practical things. Knowledge of engineering is needed to design and build roads, bridges, tools, and machines.
execute to do or carry out; to make (something) become a reality.
fabulous almost impossible to believe; amazing.
instance a case, example or occasion.
leery suspicious or mistrustful; wary (usually followed by "of").
manageable capable of being handled or controlled.
portent a sign of something important, and often disastrous, that is about to occur; omen.
sculpture an object of art or craft made by carving, chiseling, or molding.