Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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annals a chronological record of events, usually year by year.
confound to perplex or bewilder; confuse.
deference respect for and submission to the desires, opinions, or judgments of another.
dissuade to urge or convince not to do something.
ensue to occur as the result of an earlier event.
frolicsome full of high spirits, gaiety, or merriment; playful.
indelible incapable of being removed or obliterated; permanent.
invertebrate without a backbone
misdemeanor in law, a class of illegal act that is less serious than a felony and carries a lighter sentence; minor offense.
obliterate to erase or make unrecognizable by erasing.
palpable easy to sense or perceive; obvious.
refract to bend (rays or waves of light, heat, sound, or the like) in passing (them) obliquely from one medium into another which transmits them at a different speed.
stolid neither feeling nor showing much range of emotion; impassive.
unproductive not yielding useful or helpful results; not fruitful.
vitality exuberance; energy; vigor.