Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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airport a large area of land where airplanes come and go.
calendar a page or set of pages that shows the days, weeks, and months of a year.
care serious attention.
copy something that looks exactly like another thing.
favor something kind you do for someone else.
foggy full of or covered by fog.
high reaching up a great distance.
holder an object used for holding.
relationship a connection between people.
sack a large bag made of thick paper or other strong material. A sack is used to hold grain, potatoes, supplies, or other heavy things.
slope A surface that is higher on one end than the other.
splinter a small, sharp piece of material that is broken off from a larger piece.
sprout to start to grow.
test an examination or experiment to find out what something is, what it is made up of, or how good it is.
young in an early part of life or growth.