Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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acquaintance a person one has met but does not know well.
amid among or surrounded by.
avail to be useful or profitable to; be of value to.
consistency agreement or similarity between or among different things.
depression a state of deep sadness or hopelessness that can persist for months or years and is not necessarily triggered by any particular external events.
diverse of different kinds or sorts.
dormant asleep, or in a state of rest that is similar to sleep.
eclipse the blocking from view of the sun, a moon, or a planet by another heavenly body. In an eclipse of the sun, the sun is hidden from earth's view by the moon passing between the sun and the earth.
fuse2 to become merged by or as if by melting together; amalgamate; coalesce.
indication anything that indicates, such as a sign.
menace that which presents a danger or threat.
prestigious highly esteemed.
reactive characterized by reaction or response to a stimulus; tending to react.
saga a medieval Nordic or Icelandic prose narrative, especially one describing the historical or legendary exploits of a single person or family.
theology the study of religion, especially the relations between God and the universe as expressed in religious doctrine, revelation, and scripture.