Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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canvas heavy, strong cloth made of cotton, linen, or hemp.
decoration something used to decorate or to make something else more beautiful.
enjoyable pleasant; giving joy.
hibernate to sleep through the winter in a den or burrow to save energy. Bears, snakes, and certain other animals hibernate.
index an alphabetical list of subjects, names, or other information in a book, with page numbers given for each item.
landscape the appearance or features of the land from one viewpoint.
massage to treat by rubbing, stroking, or kneading the body.
mental of or having to do with the operation of the mind.
refer to send or direct to a source for help.
rumor a piece of information or a story passed from one person to another without any proof that it is true.
scowl to make an angry frown.
shot1 an instance of shooting with a weapon.
slimy made of or like a slippery liquid.
totally completely; entirely.
undertake to decide or start to do.