Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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amble to walk at a slow, easy pace.
approximately about; almost exactly.
attribution the act of identifying something as the work of a particular person or group.
boon something that is a help or benefit.
clarify to make easier to understand; make clear.
cloak a long, loose, outer garment without sleeves.
disclosure the act or process of making known, uncovering, or exposing.
fragile easily broken; delicate.
generosity the condition of being willing and ready to give.
irregular uneven in shape, arrangement, surface, or some other way.
minority a group of people in a country who make up a smaller part of the whole population and have something in common, such as their family backgrounds or their religion, that is different from the larger population.
noticeable easily noticed.
reception the act or process of receiving.
reduction the amount by which a thing has been lessened or reduced.
subscribe to agree to pay for a certain number of issues of a publication such as a magazine.