Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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celibate abstaining from sexual relations, especially because of having taken a vow.
dapper neat and stylish in dress and appearance.
dormer a window set vertically into a projecting structure on a sloping roof.
edifice a building, especially a large or impressive structure.
elixir a sweetened, aromatic solution of alcohol and water used as a vehicle for medicines.
inexorable not subject to change by any force or influence; unyielding or unrelenting.
licentious not within the bounds of morality or propriety, especially with regard to sexual conduct; immoral; lewd.
nullify to cause to have no value or consequence.
opportune favorable or suitable, especially in relation to time.
parochial narrow or limited in scope or viewpoint; provincial.
profane irreverent or irreligious; blasphemous.
resurrect to restore to life or good standing; raise out of death or disrepute.
rigorous showing strictness or sternness.
vivacious full of life and spirit; animated.
wayward difficult to control; willfully disobedient.