Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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armor a suit made of leather, metal, or other strong material, worn to protect the body during battle.
coma a long, deep state of being unconscious, caused by disease or injury.
destruction the act of ruining completely or destroying.
excursion a short trip made for some purpose.
graduate a person who has finished studying at high school or college. A diploma is given to a graduate to show that all the necessary work has been done.
grudge anger that is held onto for a long time.
homeless having no place indoors to live.
patient a person or animal that is getting medical treatment.
risk a chance of getting hurt or losing something.
sensation a condition of being aware of something or feeling something by means of one of the senses.
substantially to a large or significant degree; considerably.
swish to move quickly, making a whistling or rustling sound.
thread a fine cord used in sewing, weaving, and the like. Thread is usually made of two or more fibers such as cotton twisted together.
tread to step or walk on, in, or along.
tumble to roll end over end while falling or while in flight.