Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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barter to trade services or things for other services or things without using money.
civilian of or relating to the daily life of ordinary citizens, not of the military or police.
concentration close attention; focused mental energy.
denounce to speak out against.
devotion strong affection or loyalty.
ferry a boat or ship that carries people or freight back and forth across a river or other body of water.
jovial very cheerful, friendly, and merry; jolly.
locale a place, especially as the setting of some event.
loiter to stand around idly.
prohibition the act of forbidding.
proportion a part of a whole.
solidify to make firm or hard.
stimulate to bring about to activity or action.
synthetic made with chemicals formed in a laboratory instead of something found in nature; man-made; artificial.
technician a person whose work requires special skills.