Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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accumulate to pile up, collect, or gather.
buoyant lighthearted or cheerful.
complexity the state or condition of being complex or complicated.
compute to figure out or calculate by using arithmetic.
confidentiality the state or condition of being kept private or communicated only in private.
falter to move, speak, or act in a way that is not sure or not steady; stumble.
fuse2 to become merged by or as if by melting together; amalgamate; coalesce.
justification something that explains, rationalizes, or defends.
manuscript a piece of writing prepared by the author before it becomes a printed article or book.
province one of the divisions of some countries, each with its own government.
quagmire an unpleasant situation that is difficult to escape.
rapture great happiness, joy, or ecstasy; bliss.
restriction something that limits or restricts.
trend a general course, direction, or tendency.
vulnerable able to be hurt or injured.