Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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alter to make different in some way; change.
apply to make use of or put to use.
central main or principal; most important.
eavesdrop to listen to other people talk without letting them know.
flare to begin to burn brightly (often followed by "up").
foreign in, from, or having to do with a country that is not one's own.
fright strong fear caused by sudden danger.
grave1 a hole dug in the ground where a dead body is buried.
keen very sharp; able to cut easily into thin, exact pieces.
mystery a matter that is secret or that cannot be known or explained.
organize to set in order; arrange in an orderly way.
partnership a relationship based on a shared activity or goal.
perimeter the boundary or border of a figure or area.
plump full and round in shape; chubby.
producer a person or company that makes something.