Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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amorphous lacking definite form, shape, or character.
arable capable of being farmed.
capricious tending to act on impulse; subject to whim; erratic and unpredictable.
conservationist a person who promotes and encourages preservation, especially of natural resources.
contrive to plan in a clever way; invent.
debase to reduce in value, quality, esteem, or character.
discrepancy lack of agreement; difference; inconsistency.
fastidious exceedingly particular or demanding especially in matters of detail; exacting.
pique to cause (a feeling or action) to be aroused or incited.
protuberance that which projects; bulge or bump.
ruffian one who is tough and violent; bully; thug.
ruse a trick, pretense, or diversion intended to deceive or mislead.
sophistry a subtle, deceptive method of reasoning or arguing, involving statements that sound plausible but are actually false or fallacious.
superimpose to set or lay on top of or above something.
vanguard the leading or foremost position or part of a movement or force; forefront.