Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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adoption the act of becoming the legal parent of a child who is not one's biological offspring.
applause the clapping of hands in approval.
believable able to be believed; credible; convincing.
critical likely to find fault.
deputy a person appointed to assist and sometimes act in the place of someone else.
display anything put out in order to be seen by others.
enclose to close in or shut in with walls or a container.
endeavor to make an effort; try; strive.
forgive to excuse or pardon.
relax to make looser or less stiff.
reluctance a state of unwillingness or disinclination, often arising from uncertainty or doubt.
slump to sink down or fall with all one's weight.
tilt to move or place so that one side is higher than the other; tip.
transaction a piece of business, such as a sale or trade.
trespass an act of entering the property of another without permission, which is against the law.