Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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arrant complete; unmitigated; downright.
cyst a small pouch within body tissue that is filled with fluid or air. Some cysts are connected with serious disease, but most are not harmful at all.
exceptionable likely to be objected to; objectionable.
gloaming late evening; dusk; twilight.
iatrogenic caused by a physician or medical treatment, especially from drugs or surgery.
idiosyncrasy a characteristic of temperament, habit, or physical structure particular to a given individual or group; peculiarity.
lambent glowing softly.
ligature a band or tie.
macrocosm a large unit or entity that represents on a large scale one of its smaller components.
neologism a new word, phrase, or usage.
recant to withdraw from commitment to (a former position or statement), especially publicly; retract.
repose2 to put or place (confidence, hope, or the like) in someone or something.
spurn to reject, refuse, or treat with scorn; disdain; despise.
sylph a slender, graceful woman or girl.
vitiate to harm the quality of; mar; spoil.