Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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clasp to grasp or grip with a hand or arm, or something like a hand or arm.
confession the act of admitting as true.
gory extremely violent, with great bloodshed.
haul to pull or drag with force.
hesitation the act of pausing because of not feeling sure.
intelligence the ability to learn, reason, and understand.
intelligent having a great ability to reason and understand.
major great in importance, position, or reputation.
original first; earliest.
pursuit the act of following or chasing.
sharpen to make thinner or finer, as a cutting edge or point.
shock1 a sudden and powerful scare; an upset of the mind or feelings.
surround to close off all sides of.
suspect one who is believed to have committed a crime or done something wrong.
wring to twist and squeeze tightly.