Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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burlesque a book, play, skit, or the like that mocks something by comically treating it with inappropriate seriousness or levity.
chimerical existing only in the mind; fanciful.
cistern a tank or other receptacle for catching and storing water, especially rainwater.
coherent lumping, holding, or sticking together.
emend to correct or improve (written text), especially by removing errors; edit.
incognito in disguise; under a false identity.
misguide to misdirect or lead astray.
perverse stubbornly opposed to what is expected or requested of one, or marked by or inclined toward such an attitude.
plight1 a state or situation, especially an unhappy or unlucky one; predicament.
ravish to overwhelm with emotion or sensation; enrapture.
retribution repayment for one's actions, especially punishment for evil.
squalid dirty or foul, as from neglect.
surmise to infer without certain knowledge; suppose; guess.
virile having the qualities of a man; characteristically masculine.
wend to go along or proceed on (one's way).