Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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astonishment great surprise or amazement.
bloom to produce flowers.
childhood the period or state of being young and not fully grown.
commonly ordinarily; usually.
construction the act or process of putting parts together to build or create.
feat an act or achievement that shows courage, strength, or skill.
ledge a narrow part like a shelf that comes out of a wall.
panel a section of a door, wall, or other surface that is set apart from the area around it by being raised, sunken, or decorated.
predict to tell in advance that something will happen.
process a series of actions used to produce something or reach a goal.
puff a short, strong burst of breath, air, smoke, or steam.
remarkable unusual or exceptional.
retirement the time of one's life after one has stopped working permanently.
substance a particular kind of matter.
tumble to roll end over end while falling or while in flight.